Audio books
Classic Literature
The Illiad and the Odyssey are retold in a glorious saga.
Mark Twain's classic tale recounts the adventures of the ever resourceful Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn...
The masterpiece of Rome's greatest poet, Virgil's Aeneid.
The fantasy worlds in which Alice finds herself introduce her to some well known characters!
Sian Phillips, Emma Fielding and Miriam Margolyes star in Shakespeare's comedy of men behaving badly and women doing it for themselves. BBC radio has a unique heritage when it comes to...
Frances Barber and David Harewood star in Shakespeare's towering tale of great love, political intrigue and tragedy. BBC radio has a unique heritage when it comes to Shakespeare. Since 1923,...
Classic story of a hasty world tour taken up on a gentelmen's club wager
Helena Bonham Carter stars as Rosalind with David Morrissey as Orlando and Natasha Little as Celia in Shakespeare's festive comedy. BBC radio has a unique heritage when it comes to...
Without doubt, the greatest work of Geoffrey Chaucer. A brilliant picture of medieval life.
A wonderful reading of the story of Scrooge, Tiny Tim and the Ghosts of Christmas.
The four Pevensies help Caspian battle Miraz and ascend his rightful throne.
Deep underground, a web of evil magic holds a prince in captivity. Narnia ... where owls speak, where evil weaves a spell ... where sorcery enslaves the land. Narnia is in peril, and...
From the earliest poets of the 16th century to the present day.
An absolute joy to listen to. An attractive and accessible collection.
Cuculian, 'The Hound of Ulster', is the champion of Ireland and is best remembered for his single-handed defense of Ulster. The author of these accounts is Standish O’Grady whose writings...
Gibbon's work occupies an immortal place in the pantheon of historical masterpieces.
Perhaps the most well-known collection of reminiscences.
Michael Sheen, Kenneth Cranham and Juliet Stevenson star in the best-known and most powerful tragedy of modern times. BBC radio has a unique heritage when it comes to Shakespeare. Since I...
The first of Homer's epic poems. Translated by Samuel Butler.
This is one of the great recordings of a great play. John Gielgud stars as Earnest and Edith Evans .....
This elaborate fabrication proceeds smoothly until Jack/Ernest falls in love and his fiancee’s mother discovers there is more – or, rather, less – to him than meets the eye.
Oscar Wilde's first play confronts the hypocrisy of public 'morality'.
Suetonius wrote his Lives of the Twelve Caesars in the reign of Vespasian around 70AD. He chronicled the extraordinary careers of Julius, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian and...
Richard Eyre directs Ken Stott as Macbeth and Phyllis Logan as Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare's drama of greed and destiny.
When a prince deserts his subjects, death comes looking for him.
Shakespeare's dramatic and complex comedy.
David Tennant stars as Benedick with Samantha Spiro as Beatrice in Shakespeare's merry comedy of wit, words and romance.
On July 28, 1851, Nathaniel Hawthorne's wife left their house in Western Massachusetts to visit relatives. Hawthorne and his five-year-old son Julian stayed behind. How father and son got on...
A perfect blend of vintage Noel Coward sure to be enjoyed by faithful fans and new listeners.
Homer's Adventures of Odysseus. Translated by Samuel Butler,
Paradise Lost is the greatest epic poem in the English language.
Full-Cast. An indigestible tragic romantic comedy of love, jealousy, betrayal and murder.
'Now of that second kingdom I shall sing where human souls are purified of sin. and made worthy to ascend to Heaven.' Purgatory is the second part of Dante's The Divine Comedy. We find...
When Maxim de Winter brings his shy new bride to his beautiful stately home on the Cornwall coast, it seems like all her dreams have come 1...
A comic masterpiece brimming with false identities!
While on holiday in 1925, four-year-old Michael Tolkien lost his beloved toy dog on the beach at Filey in Yorkshire. To console him...
The ethereal words of the great thinker Omar Khayyam.
Although Lawrence of Arabia died in 1935, the story of his life has captured the imagination of succeeding generations. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom is a monumental work in which he chronicles his...
Smith of Wooton Major tells of the preparation of the Great Cake to mark the Feast of Good Children and the magical...
Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There - the sequel to Alice in Wonderland.
Also sprach Zarathustra was conceived and written by Friedrich Nietzsche during the years 1881 -1885; the first three Parts were published in 1883 and 1884. The book formed part of his 'campaign...
'If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.' In 1845 Henry David Thoreau, one of the principal New England Transcendentalists, left...